Following the enforced delay in its launch, Taunton Town Football Club are delighted to announce that its Community Engagement Project will commence during the first full week of September. The Project’s first activities are a series of excellent Health & Wellbeing Workshops which are being delivered by our Project Partner Somerset Skills & Learning at the Cygnet Health Care Stadium beginning on Monday 6th September between 7pm and 9pm for which full details, along with booking information, are published with the ‘Project Details & Activities’ alongside this release.
As previously reported, the year-long project has a variety of aims which include promoting and encouraging health, fitness, and well-being, and forming community links with individuals and groups within the immediate local community and across the wider Taunton area. In addition, the project aims to support the development of young talent and promote non-league football (specifically Taunton Town FC) to a wider audience, to encourage participation and to attract volunteers.
Project partnerships have been formed with Club Sponsors and partners alongside local community service-providers and organisations. Project activities will be offered FREE of charge and will be held at Taunton Town FC’s Cygnet Health Care Stadium or at alternative community facilities. More details on the full range of activities currently being offered can be downloaded HERE while the original press release launching the project can be read HERE
Rob Wenham, Taunton Town FC’s Community Director, who will manage the varied programme of activities and events assisted by club staff, volunteers, management and local members of the playing squad commented:” We are thrilled to finally get the project underway. There are a wide range of activities planned throughout the year and we are really looking forward to encouraging and enhancing links with the community of Taunton.”
Ahead of the opening event on 6th September, Lucy Hill, Community Partnerships Co-ordinator for Somerset Skills & Learning remarked: “SS&L’s free workshops are your opportunity to learn more about mental health, both for yourself and those around you. Join us to discover techniques to improve your wellbeing and build your personal confidence.”
Tutor Janet Phillips added: “I am delighted to be facilitating free courses and workshops on behalf of SS&L. The sessions on offer are open to anyone over the age of 19 living in Somerset who wants to invest in themselves, improve their wellbeing, gain confidence, and build personal resilience and mental strength. Come along and see how you could benefit!”
Look out for full details of Project Activities which will be published on the Club’s and Project Partner’s websites, Social Media Channels, local press and throughout the community.