The club wish to remind supporters in the strongest possible terms that the use of any form of pyrotechnic at a Taunton Town FC game is illegal and strictly prohibited, and will not be tolerated.
Following incidents at our FA Cup game at Yeovil Town FC on Saturday 15th October when smoke bombs were let off in the away end both before and after the match, the club has had to submit their observations to the FA who have been investigating the incidents. Whilst thankfully we are not being charged on this occasion, these events will remain on record and be considered should any similar transgression occur in the future.
Therefore any person who may be thinking of bringing a pyrotechnic to a Taunton Town match either home or away should carefully consider the potential consequences both for the club and themselves as there will be no leniency shown towards anyone found guilty of such an offence. The club will be put at risk both financially and reputationally should a similar incident occur in the future which we are sure any true Taunton Town supporter would not wish to happen. If you are not worried about the consequences for the club, then you are not a supporter and we do not want you attending our games.
Repercussions for any individual or group identified as having used pyrotechnics during one of our games will be severe and non-negotiable. Anyone found guilty will be subject to an immediate ban from the Cygnet Health Care Stadium whilst their identity will be passed onto the police and opposition clubs, invoking a Football Banning Order. The club also reserve the right to sue the person(s) involved for any financial losses incurred as a result of the incident.