As in 2020, the Club is holding its 2021 AGM by proxy due to the current Covid situation. Company Secretary Alan Slade has either posted or emailed an AGM Notice to all Company Members. This Notice includes the Agenda, a Voting Slip, and instructions for Members to submit their votes which must be sent in by 31st July.
Once the season is underway and things have returned to some kind of normality, the Club will hold an Extraordinary Meeting at the Cygnet Health Care Stadium to complete any outstanding Company business held over from the 2020 and 2021 AGMs.
Reservation fees paid last season are being used as down-payments for 2021/22 Season Tickets. Alan Slade will be at the Cygnet Health Care Stadium at the following dates/times to take payments for renewed or new Season Tickets which can also be collected on these occasions :
Wednesday 28th July from 10.30am to 4pm
Tuesday 3rd August, from 10.30am until after the Yeovil Town friendly
Tuesday 10th August from 10.30am until after the Bristol City friendly
New and renewed Season Tickets can be arranged by contacting Alan via finance@tauntontown.com