We are delighted to reveal that the No 1 slot for the Peacocks has been settled for next season as we welcome goalkeeper Adam Parkes to the club.

Adam arrives at Wordsworth Drive following a successful year at Plymouth Parkway where some superb performances ensured survival in the Southern Premier South whilst also earning him the Manager’s Player of the Year accolade. He told Peacocks’ media: “I’m very excited to join Taunton, a good club with big ambition. I’m buzzing to help push the club forward this coming season, working with a brilliant group of players.”

Prior to Parkway, Adam enjoyed an impressive grounding at Southampton where he progressed through their Academy into the club’s Under 18 and then Under 23 squad, whilst also representing England at Under 17 level. He joined Watford in January 2019 as part of their Under 23 side, going on to spend loan time at Havant & Waterlooville and Barnet before joining Dover Athletic on loan for the 2021-22 campaign. His departure from Watford in the summer of 2022 eventually saw him move westwards in October when he agreed a deal with Plymouth Argyle, initially joining Plymouth Parkway on loan for several months until a permanent move followed in August 2023.

Town boss Richard Luffman was quick to hail another important capture, saying:” A fantastic signing for the football club. Adam was one of the best goalies in the division last season and for us to sign him is a fantastic piece of business. It just goes to show well perceived we are as a football club right now achieving signatures over other top sides at this level and above. I’d like to thank the board for backing me this summer, Adam is a brilliant signing, and it adds to our ever growing squad of real ability.”