The number of home games postponed due the volume of rain these past weeks has only deepened the financial challenges the club is experiencing.
As a result, the club has been unable to meet its salary commitments for February (payment due on the 5thMarch 2024). Using the small amount of income the club has received in February, it has agreed with the players to pay an affordable percentage of their expected sum. The difference will be paid as soon as the club is able to. The remainder of the club staffing team have unfortunately not been paid.
Disappointingly the lack of income does mean that the club is unable to meet its HMRC commitment. Having already exhausted payment plan options with the Revenue, another winding up order and league transfer embargo could be unavoidable. The club will endeavour to continue to provide updates on the situation when we can.
Tickets for the remaining home games can be purchased online via the club website. Doing so in advance would significantly assist the club in this challenging time. Further to this, tickets are now available for the exhibition match between Manchester United Legends vs Taunton Town Legends on 19th May. Your support will be greatly appreciated.