It is a strange and unsettling time for all of us amidst the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic, especially those who may be living alone, who have other health problems or those of us who are maybe finding it difficult to adapt to the current environment.
Chairman Kevin Sturmey has already emailed all season ticket holders offering assistance from club volunteers if required and further to this we are now pleased to offer a Reach Out service via a phone call to all those who may be affected and maybe just want some contact from a familiar voice. Chairman Kevin Sturmey, Head of Football Rob Dray and goalkeeper Lloyd Irish are available to ring you for a chat which can be purely about the Peacocks or anything else you may wish to discuss!
If you or anyone you know would like to take advantage of this community service then please ring 01823 254909 or email chairman@tauntontown.com in the first instance. Please stay safe.