The club would like to remind 2023/24 season ticket holders that the clubs AGM is this Monday, 15th July from 7:00 PM.

If you are a holder of a 2023/24 season ticket and are either not sure if you are a member, or would like to become one, please download and complete the form below. If you bring this form, along with your 2023/24 season ticket and £1 on Monday 15th July you will be able to have an active role in decision making for the club at the AGM.

Forms will also be available on the door if you wish to do it on the night. However, we would ask you to come a little earlier to ensure the meeting start time is not delayed.

If you have any further questions please contact the club on

You can download the membership form here -> TTFC – 2023-2024 Membership Application