We have already heard from Ben Adelsbury about the demands that can face Peacock players and non-league players in general. We also spoke to Shane White who gives a summary of his busy week a fortnight ago:
I’ve been extremely lucky with my work as I manage to get away for any midweek game (winter midweeks are of course a bit more difficult as I’m the best coal man in the south west so I’m in heavy demand ) so that way I’m extremely lucky as I know it’s very difficult for certain people !
Regards family time, it is a hard one as I’m out of the house every day at 5.45am, then on midweek games I get home and then leave to go straight to football so sometimes I don’t get to see the boys until the next day after work which isn’t ideal !
Saturday – Aveley home
I would have been up early with my youngest boy (Carter, who is 18months) probably about 6am, then I meet Wrizz and Rocky at about 12, head to the game, and then we usually get home around 7pm!
Just total relax / family day. Try to take the boys swimming or down the field etc in the morning, then try and watch super Sunday in the afternoon which Kay’s isn’t usually too happy about!
Monday – Aveley away
Alarm went off at 5.20am, got into work for 7am, then obviously left early and got home for 1130. Met Benno and the boys at 12ish (for a 7.45pm kick off !!), on the coach for probably 5/6 hours, in that time I was a double champ in the card school 🙌🏼 Got to the game about 7pm, played rubbish and lost! Long journey back, got in my front door at 5.30am, alarm went off at 7am and got home from work at about 3.30. I saw the boys and pretty much went to bed as soon as they did!
Then to be honest for the rest of the week, it’s just about playing catch up and trying to get myself physically ready to go again Saturday while also working all day every day! Then just go through the same process on Saturday and thankfully we got a good win and another three points!
Many thanks to both Shane and Ben for giving us an insight.