There have been several enquiries requesting clarification as to how you become a member of the club. In consultation with the Taunton Town Independent Supporters Association (TTISA) the club has looked closely at its Articles of Association and agree that the definition as to how you become a member of the club is not clear.

Some of you may have seen the 2010 version of the Articles on the Companies House website – these state that holding a season ticket for a continuous 12-month period qualifies you for membership. However, there is a lack of evidence that this update to the Articles was properly approved by members. While we investigate this with Companies House, we need to revert to the previous version added in 1990. Unfortunately, the 1990 version is very unclear on membership.

Therefore, currently, all there is to work with is the precedent which has been set over the past few years i.e. on purchase of a season ticket, fans can complete a simple form and pay an additional £1 in order to become a member of the football club. Being a member of the football club gives you several rights, including being able to vote at the club AGM. This year being on Monday 15th July 19:00 hrs in the clubhouse.

If you are a holder of a 2023/24 season ticket (either purchased or provided to you by the club through a sponsorship arrangement) and are either not sure if you are a member, or would like to become one, please download and complete the form below. If you bring this form, along with your 2023/24 season ticket and £1 on Monday 15th July you will be able to have an active role in decision making for the club at the AGM.

Working with the TTISA the board believe there are a number of amendments required in the clubs current Articles of Association. We will present our recommendations for members to approve at this year’s AGM. One such recommendation is clarity on how you become a member and streamlining this to simply being a season ticket holder and removing the need for paying the additional £1.

Please note that only members are allowed to attend the AGM. However, the Board of Directors will be holding a separate meeting open to all supporters to provide and update of the club’s progress since the last Fans Forum in January. This will take place in the clubhouse on Monday 24th June 19:00 hrs. If you would like any further clarification or would like to discuss this more, please contact the club on

To become a club member and have the right to vote in the 2024 AGM, please download your club membership form here and bring the completed form, alongside your 23/24 season ticket and £1.